Anti Bullying Week
Anti-bullying week took place the week of the 13th-17th of November in schools across the UK.
In preparation for this, all classes were taught about the forms that bullying can take in a PSHE lesson. This included discussions around who students can go to if they are being bullied and how different people can help them face bullying in different ways, e.g., a friend could provide emotional support whilst a staff member could help deal with the bullying directly. The lesson also included some information on HBT bullying, which is bullying directed at people who are or who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
During anti-bullying week, the students had an assembly that re-iterated the variety of forms of bullying before focusing on how the students could be able to tell between ‘banter’ (friendly teasing) and bullying behaviors. The students were given examples of celebrities who had faced bullying when they were younger to emphasize that bullying can affect anyone. As well as these classroom-based events, the school had an odd-socks day on Wednesday the 15th of November. Students and staff were invited to wear mis-matched socks – the more colorful the better! – to symbolize that its okay for people to be different.
We now have a lovely display in the main hall with pictures and we celebrated Odd Socks Day having some fun, encouraging people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
We hope that students now feel more confident in identifying bullying if it occurs and in telling a trusted adult if they are affected by it.